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File:משנה תורה דפוס ווארשא-ווילנא כרך ראשון 1.pdf

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File originale (925 × 1 387 pixel, dimensione del file: 34,32 MB, tipo MIME: application/pdf, 381 pagine)


English: Mishneh Torah by en:Maimonides, Warsaw-Vilna edition, volume I (part 1). This file contains Maimonides' introduction followed by Sefer ha-Mada` and Sefer Ahavah.
Fonte 39979. The Warsaw-Vilna edition of Mishneh Torah, whose scan is available at Internet Archive, contains only volumes 2-4 and is missing volume 1. The content of the missing first volume is supplied in this file and the next based on scans of a later mechanical reprint from
Autore Maimonides (accompanied by multiple authors of classic commentaries on his work).


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