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Bellow, Herzog e la realtà sociale/Bibliografia

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Indice del libro
Saul Bellow e Dejan Stojanovic durante un'intervista del 1992 presso l'Università di Chicago
Fotoritratto di Saul Bellow usato per la quarta di copertina della prima edizione di The Adventures of Augie March (1953)


Per approfondire su Wikipedia, vedi la voce Saul Bellow#L'opera.
  • ⇒ Per una bibliografia completa di Saul Bellow, si veda (EN) Saul Bellow Bibliography.
  • The Art of Fiction XXXVII. "Saul Bellow: An Interview." Paris Review: 52-73, Winter 1966.
  • BAIM, Joseph. "Escape from Intellection: Saul Bellow's Dang!ing Man." University Review. 37:28-34,1969.
  • BELLOW, Greg. Saul Bellow's Heart. Bloomsbury, 2013.
  • BERGER, Peter, L. Invitation to Sociology: A Humanist Perspective. U.S.A., Anchor Books, 1963.
  • BRADBURY, Malcolm. "Saul Bellow's Herzog". Critical Quartely:269-278, Auntumn 1961.
  • —— "Saul Bellow and the Naturalist Tradition." Review of English Literature, 4:80-92, October 1963.
  • CHAPMAN, Abraham. "The Image of Man as Portrayed by Saul Bellow". CLA Journal (10-11):285-298, Sept-June 1966-1968.
  • CARR, E.H. "The New Society". In: Man in Contemporary Society. New York, Columbia University Press, v.1, 1955.
  • CLAY, George R. "Jewish Hero in American Fiction". The Reporter, 17:43-46, September 1956.
  • CLAYTON, J.J. Saul Bellow: In Defense of Man. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1991.
  • CONRAD, Joseph. Notes on Life and Letters, Londra,Bod1ey Head, 1949.
  • CHASE, Richard. "The Adventures of Saul Bellow." Commentary, 27:323-30, April 1959.
  • DÜRKHEIM, Emile. The Rules of Sociological Method. Chicago, Free Press, rist. 1996.
  • FORD, F.M. The Old Man: The Question of Henry James, Londra, Bodley Head, 1964.
  • FRANK, Reuben. "Saul Bellow: The Evolution of a Contemporary Novelist". Western Review: 101-102, Winter 1954.
  • GERTH, H.H. e MILLS, C. Wright. From Max Weber: Essays on Sociology. New York, Oxford University Press, 1946.
  • GALLOWAY, David . "Moses-Bloom-Herzog: Bellow's Everyman". The Southern Review: 61-76 , Winter 1966.
  • GOLDMANN, Lucien. Towards a Sociology of the Novel. Trad. (EN) Allan Sheridan. Londra, Tavistock, 1975.
  • —— Cultural Creation in Modern Society. Trad. (EN) Bart Grahl. Saint Louis, Telos Press, 1976.
  • —— The Human Sciences and Philosophy. Trad. (EN) Hayden V. White & Robert Anchor. Londra, Jonathan Cape, 1969.
  • HOWE, Irving. "Mass Society and Post-Modern Fiction". Partisan Review XXVI : 421-36 , Summer 1959.
  • JAMES, Henry. "The Art of Fiction." In: ELMANN, R. & FEIDELSON, Jr., C. The Modern Tradition: Backgrounds of Modern Literature. New York, Oxford University Press, 1965, pp. 426-43.
  • KAZIN, Alfred. "My Friend Saul Bellow", Atlantic Monthly, 215: 51-4 (January 1965).
  • KLEIN, Marcus. "A Discipline of Nobility: Saul Bellow's Fiction". Kenyon Review, 24:203-26, Spring 1962.
  • LEHAN, Richard. "Existentialism in Recent American Fiction: The Demonic Quest". Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 1 (Spring 1959), 181-202.
  • LUKÄCS, Georg. Writer and Critic and Other Essays. New York, rist. 2002.
  • MERTON, Robert. Social Theory and Social Structure. Chicago, The Free Press of Glencoe, 1957.
  • MORROW, Patrick. "Threat and Accomodation. The Novels of Saul Bellow". Midwest Quarterly, 8:389-411, 1967.
  • MOSHER, H.F. "The Synthesis of Past and Present in Bellow’s Herzog". Wascana Review, 1(6): 30.48, 1971.
  • NEWMAN, Charles. "Lives of the Artists." Harpers' Magazine, 251:82-5, 1975.
  • PEARCE, Richard. "The Walker: Modem American Hero." Massachussetts Review, 5:761 -64 (Summer 1964).
  • POIRIER, Richard. "Herzog, or, Bellow in Trouble." In: Saul Bellow - A Collection of Critical Essays, Earl Rovit, ed., New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 1975, pp. 81-89.
  • RANS, Geoffrey. "The Novels of Saul Bellow." Review of English Literature, 4:18-30, October 1963.
  • ROSS, Theodore J. "Notes on Saul Bellow." Chicago Jewish Forum, 18:21-27 , Winter 1959.
  • ROGER, Sale. "The Realms of Gold." Hudson Review, 28:616-26, Winter 1975.
  • SANDERS, Scott. D.H Lawrence - The World of the Major Novels. Londra, Clarke, Dible & Brendon Ltd., 1993.
  • SARTRE, Jean Paul. L'esistenzialismo è un umanismo, Mursia, 2016.
  • SCHULMAN, Robery. "The Style of Bellow's Comedy." PMLA, 83:109-17, March 1988.
  • SIMMEL , Georg. "The Metropolis and Mental Life". In: The Sociology of Georg Simmel. Trad. (EN) e cur. Kurt H. Wolf. Glencoe, The Free Press, 1950, pp. 409-24.
  • STOCK, Irvin. "The Novels of Saul Bellow". Southern Review, 3:395-403, January 1967.
  • SOLOTAR0FF, Theodore (cur). Writers and Issues. New York, Mentor Book, 1989.
  • TANNER, Tony. "Finctionalized Recall" – or "The Settling of Scores ‘The Pursuit of Dreams’" In: City of Words, New York, 1971, pp. 295-321.
  • —— "Isolation and Affirmation." In: Saul Bellow, Londra, Oliver & Boyd, 1965 , pp. 103-117.
  • —— "The Fighting Lazarus." In: Saul Bellow. pp. 71-86.
  • TODDY, Richard. "Scaping False Categories." Atlantic Monthly, 236:83-84, September, 1975.
  • TOFFLER, Alvin. Future Shock. New York, Random House, rist. 1994.
  • WEBER, Ronald. "Bellow's Thinkers." Western Humanities Review, 22:305-13, Autumn 1988.
  • WIDMER, Kingsey. "Poetic Naturalism in the Contemporary Novel". Partisan Review, 26:467-72 , Summer 1989.
  • ZÉRAFFA, Michel. The Novel and Social Reality. Trad. (EN) Katherine Burns & Torn' Burns. Middlesex, Penguin Books, 1976.
Profilo artistico di Saul Bellow nel 1946
Profilo artistico di Saul Bellow nel 1946
☆⇒ N.B.: Per quanto riguarda la critica specifica del romanzo Herzog, ho cercato di consultare articoli e recensioni stralciate da riviste, bollettini e pubblicazioni risalenti al periodo della prima uscita, 1964, o anni subito successivi. Il romanzo vinse il National Book Award nel 1965 e la rivista TIME lo incluse nella lista dei 100 migliori romanzi in lingua inglese dal 1923 al 2005 (anno della morte del suo autore).
Per approfondire, vedi Serie letteratura moderna e Serie delle interpretazioni.