Discussioni utente:Destinazione-italia.org

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Ciao Destinazione-italia.org, benvenuto/a su Wikibooks, Think free - Learn free

Buon lavoro e buon divertimento da tutti i wikibookiani, -- PietroDn 17:23, 15 Nov 2005 (UTC)

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sito destinazione-italia[modifica]

Wellcome, as I can read on your user-page you're writing an italian language course taken from the site destinazione italia, it's right? (even if I was unable to find those texts on it). That site licensed its contents unde CC by-nc-sa license wich isn't compatible with GFDL (please read the etire doc). Every document on Wiki projects (wikipedia, Wbooks etc) must to be relased under GFDL, so share alike forbid this, and could be sold, this in uncompatible with non commercial condition. But that's not a great problem if you could send to me and to premissions@@wikimedia.org a mail where is declared by all the autors that the documents copyright status has changed to GFDL. Otherwisely please mark with {{cancella subito}} all the pages you've inserted. thankyou for collaboration The doc post... 14:21, 10 Dic 2005 (UTC)


Hi, destinazione italia is a project of University Bamberg and Regensburg in Germany. The bavarian Universities had funding to make things in web based language learning and our idea was to provide a plattform for free material. A lot of the texts are based on newspaper articles and to get the permission from the publishers we had to license these parts under something like CC by-nc-sa. The parts that are written originaly for Destinazione Italia are usually licensed under GFDL (like the spiegazioni grammaticali, search e.g. >>participio presente<< info on http://cms-sprachlabor.split.uni-bamberg.de/sprachlabor_2/index.php?tx_cccbrowse[type]=scroll&wau_show_markup_stat=1&id=2075&gfi_mark[]=853 ).

The idea is to add fitting parts to wikibooks, for annotated texts we are working on a mediawiki extension (see icons... on example link above ) but our main activity at the moment is Ultimate Wiktionary and language learning meta:Ultimate_wiktionary_and_language_exercises

Greetings from Bamberg Martin --Destinazione-italia.org 18:11, 10 Dic 2005 (UTC)

you can reach me at martin at destinazione-italia.org feel free to write in italian ;-)

Ok, ma le parti prese dagli articoli con licenza CC non possono essere copiate. I titoli delle pagine come ad esempio Italiano:grammatica:Il periodo ipotetico verranno sostituite con Italiano/grammatica/Il periodo ipotetico, per favore inserisci le prossime pagine seguendo questa seconda convenzione. ciao The doc post... 21:06, 10 Dic 2005 (UTC)
did only copy GFDL licensed parts. should I rename to Italiano/grammatica/Il periodo ipotetico... or is there a bot. ciao --Destinazione-italia.org 21:31, 10 Dic 2005 (UTC)

unfortunately not yet, as you can see in speciale:recentchanges i did manually that work today -The doc post... 22:56, 10 Dic 2005 (UTC)

Di niente... :-) (I can't speak good English) -- PietroDn 06:20, 10 Feb 2006 (UTC)