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Biografia del Melekh Mashiach/Capitolo 22

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Genealogia secondo Matteo

[modifica | modifica sorgente]
Patrilineage of Jesus according to Matthew

    Abraham to David

  1. Abraham
  2. Isaac
  3. Jacob
  4. Judah and Tamar
  5. Perez
  6. Hezron
  7. Ram
  8. Amminadab
  9. Nahshon
  10. Salmon and Rahab
  11. Boaz and Ruth
  12. Obed
  13. Jesse
  14. David and Bathsheba

    David to Babylonian Exile

  1. David
  2. Solomon
  3. Rehoboam
  4. Abijah
  5. Asa
  6. Jehoshaphat
  7. Jehoram
  8. Uzziah
  9. Jotham
  10. Ahaz
  11. Hezekiah
  12. Manasseh
  13. Amon
  14. Josiah, birth of his son Jeconiah at the time of the Babylonian exile

    Babylonian Exile to Jesus

  1. Jeconiah, died in Babylon
  2. Shealtiel
  3. Zerubbabel
  4. Abiud
  5. Eliakim
  6. Azor
  7. Zadok
  8. Achim
  9. Eliud
  10. Eleazar
  11. Matthan
  12. Jacob
  13. Joseph and Mary
  14. Jesus

Genealogia secondo Luca

[modifica | modifica sorgente]
Patrilineage of Jesus according to Luke
  1. God
  2. Adam
  3. Seth
  4. Enos
  5. Cainan
  6. Mahalaleel
  7. Jared
  8. Enoch
  9. Methuselah
  10. Lamech
  11. Noah
  12. Shem
  13. Arphaxad
  14. Cainan
  15. Shelah
  1. Eber
  2. Peleg
  3. Reu
  4. Serug
  5. Nahor
  6. Terah
  7. Abraham
  8. Isaac
  9. Jacob
  10. Judah
  11. Perez
  12. Hezron
  13. Arni
  14. Amminadab
  1. Nahshon
  2. Salmon
  3. Boaz
  4. Obed
  5. Jesse
  6. David
  7. Nathan
  8. Mattatha
  9. Menna
  10. Melea
  11. Eliakim
  12. Jonam
  13. Joseph
  14. Judah
  15. Simeon
  1. Levi
  2. Matthat
  3. Jorim
  4. Eliezer
  5. Jesus
  6. Er
  7. Elmodam
  8. Cosam
  9. Addi
  10. Melchi
  11. Neri
  12. Shealtiel
  13. Zerubbabel
  14. Rhesa
  15. Joannan
  1. Joda
  2. Josech
  3. Semei
  4. Mattathias
  5. Maath
  6. Nagge
  7. Esli
  8. Naum
  9. Amos
  10. Mattathias
  11. Joseph
  12. Jannai
  13. Melchi
  14. Levi
  15. Matthat
  16. Heli
  17. Joseph
  18. Jesus

La seguente tabella è un confronto affiancato delle genealogie di Matteo e Luca. Le sezioni convergenti sono mostrate con uno sfondo verde, e le sezioni divergenti sono mostrate con uno sfondo giallo.

Comparison of Matthew's and Luke's genealogies
(Selective & Dynastic)
1. God, 2. Adam,
3. Seth, 4. Enos,
7. Jared, 8. Enoch,
11. Noah, 12. Shem,
13. Arphaxad, 14. Cainan,
15. Shelah, 16. Eber,
17. Peleg, 18. Reu,
19. Serug, 20. Nahor,
21. Terah
22. Abraham, 23. Isaac,
24. Jacob, 25. Juda,
26. Perez, 27. Hezron,
28. Arni, 29. Amminadab,
30. Nahshon, 31. Salmon,
32. Boaz, 33. Obed,
34. Jesse, 35. David
36. Nathan, 37. Mattatha,
38. Menna, 39. Melea,
40. Eliakim, 41. Jonam,
42. Joseph, 43. Judah,
44. Simeon, 45. Levi,
46. Maththat, 47. Jorim,
48. Eliezer, 49. Jesus,
50. Er, 51. Elmodam,
52. Cosam, 53. Addi,
54. Melchi, 55. Neri
King of Israel Solomon,
King of Judah Rehoboam,
King of Judah Abijam,
King of Judah Asa,
King of Judah Jehoshaphat,
King of Judah Joram,
King of Judah Uzziah,
King of Judah Jotham,
King of Judah Ahaz,
King of Judah Hezekiah,
King of Judah Manasseh,
King of Judah Amon,
King of Judah Josiah,
King of Judah Jeconiah
58. Rhesa, 59. Joannan,
60. Joda, 61. Josech,
62. Semein, 63. Mattathias,
64. Maath, 65. Nagge,
66. Esli, 67. Naum,
68. Amos, 69. Mattathias,
70. Joseph, 71. Jannai,
72. Melchi, 73. Levi
74. Matthat, 75. Heli
76. Joseph, 77. Jesus

Per approfondire, vedi Serie cristologica, Serie misticismo ebraico, Serie maimonidea e Serie delle interpretazioni.