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Ritratto di Marcel Proust, di André Szekely de Doba


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Indice del libro

Salvo diversa indicazione, le fonti in francese sono pubblicate a Parigi. Le traduzioni sono incluse laddove disponibili. Per motivi di spazio, le voci per i Capitoli dal 24 al 30 includono solo fonti non già elencate per altri Capitoli.

Per approfondire, vedi Tesori nascosti: le memorie di Proust.

Carter, W. C., Marcel Proust: A Life (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2000).

—— Proust in Love (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2006).

Tadié, J.-Y., Marcel Proust. Biographie (Gallimard, 1996); trad. E. Cameron, Marcel Proust: A Biography (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2000).

Watt, A., Marcel Proust ‘Critical Lives’ (London: Reaktion, 2013).

White, E., Proust (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1999).


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Duchêne, R., ‘L’homosexualité dans les lettres de Marcel Proust’, in A. Magnan, ed., Expériences limites de l’épistolaire (Champion, 1993), pp. 59–73.

Fraisse, L., La Correspondance de Proust: son statut dans l’oeuvre, l’histoire de son édition (Les Belles Lettres, 1998).

—— Proust au miroir de sa correspondance (SEDES, 1996).

Kolb, P., La Correspondance de Marcel Proust: chronologie et commentaire critique (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1949).

Mauriac Dyer, N., A. Rivière e P.-E. Robert, curr., Robert Proust et la Nouvelle Revue Française: les années perdues de la ‘Recherche’ (1922–1931) (Gallimard, 1999).

Proust, M., Lettres (1879–1922), cur. F. Leriche, K. Kolb e V. Greene (Plon, 2004).

Robitaille, M., ‘Études sur la correspondance de Marcel Proust: une synthèse’, Bulletin Marcel Proust, 46 (1996), 109–27.

—— Proust épistolier (Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2003).

Westerwelle, K., cur., Marcel Proust und die Korrespondenz (Berlino: Insel, 2010).

Trovare la forma

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Cocking, J. M., Proust: Collected Essays on the Writer and His Art (Cambridge University Press, 1982).

Melmoux-Montaubin, M.-F., L’Écrivain-journaliste au XIXe siècle: un mutant des lettres (Saint-Étienne: Éditions des Cahiers intempestifs, 2003).

Milly, J., Les Pastiches de Proust (Armand Colin, 1970).

Proust, M., Le Carnet de 1908, ed. by P. Kolb (Gallimard, 1976).

Watt, A., Reading in Proust’s ‘À la recherche’: ‘le délire de la lecture’ (Oxford University Press, 2009).

Trovare la voce

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Borrel, A., ed., Marcel Proust: écrits de jeunesse 1887–1895 (Illiers-Combray: Institut Marcel Proust international, 1991).

Eagles, S., After Ruskin: The Social and Political Legacies of a Victorian Prophet, 1870–1920 (Oxford University Press, 2011).

Eells, E., Proust’s Cup of Tea: Homoeroticism and Victorian Culture (Aldershot and Burlington: Ashgate, 2002).

Ellison, D., The Reading of Proust (Oxford: Blackwell, 1984).

Gamble, C., Proust as Interpreter of Ruskin: The Seven Lamps of Translation (Birmingham, AL: Summa Publications, 2002).

La Sizeranne, R. de, Ruskin et la religion de la beauté (Hachette, 1897); trans. Countess of Galloway, Ruskin and the Religion of Beauty (London: George Allen, 1899).

Milly, J., ed., Marcel Proust, L’Affaire Lemoine. Pastiches (Geneva: Slatkine Reprints, 1994).

Ruskin, J., La Bible d’Amiens, preface, translation and notes by Marcel Proust, ed. by Y.-M. Ergal (Bartillat, 2007).

Sésame et les lys, preface, translation and notes by Marcel Proust, ed. by A. Compagnon (Brussels: Éditions Complexe, 1987).

Searls, D., ed., foreword by E. Karpeles, Marcel Proust and John Ruskin: On Reading (London: Hesperus, 2011).

Composizione e pubblicazione di À la recherche du temps perdu

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Edizioni manoscritte

Albertine disparue, édition originale de la dernière version revue par l’auteur, ed. by N. Mauriac and É. Wolff (Grasset, 1987).

Albertine disparue, édition intégrale, ed. by J. Milly (Champion, 1992); Albertine disparue (ii e partie de Sodome et Gomorrhe III ) (Garnier Flammarion, 2003).

‘Bricquebec’. Prototype d’À l’ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs, ed. by R. Bales (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989).

Cahiers 1 à 75 de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, ed. by N. Mauriac Dyer et al., eds., (BnF, Brepols, 2008–). Cahiers 26, 53, 54 and 71 have appeared to date (2013).

Carnets, ed. by F. Callu and A. Compagnon (Gallimard, 2002).

Periodici e volumi collettivi

Bulletin d’informations proustiennes [BIP], Presses de l’École normale supérieure (1975–1998), Éditions rue d’Ulm (1999– ).

Bulletin d’informations proustiennes, 9 (1979): Inventories of the ten Contre Sainte- Beuve cahiers, by B. Brun, C. Quémar, E. des Portes and K. Yoshikawa.

Études proustiennes, Cahiers Marcel Proust nouvelle série (Gallimard, 1973–87). Marcel Proust, La Revue des Lettres modernes, Minard (1992– ).

Warning, R., and J. Milly, eds., Marcel Proust: écrire sans fin (CNRS Éditions, 1996).

Mauriac Dyer, N., and K. Yoshikawa, eds., Proust aux brouillons (Turnhout: Brepols, ‘Le Champ proustien’, 2011).

Proust 1913, Genesis, 36 (2013), ed. by N. Mauriac Dyer.


Mauriac Dyer, N., Proust inachevé: le dossier ‘Albertine disparue’ (Champion, 2005).

Milly, J., Proust dans le texte et l’avant-texte (Flammarion, 1985).

Quaranta, J.-M., Le Génie de Proust, genèse de l’esthétique de la Recherche, de ‘Jean Santeuil’ à la madeleine et au ‘Temps retrouvé’ (Champion, 2011).

Pugh, A. R., The Birth of ‘À la recherche du temps perdu’ (Lexington: French Forum, 1987)

The Growth of ‘À la recherche du temps perdu’: A Chronological Examination of Proust’sManuscripts from 1909 to 1914, 2 vols. (University of Toronto Press, 2004). Schmid, M., Processes of Literary Creation: Flaubert and Proust (Oxford: Legenda, 1998).

Winton [Finch], A., Proust’s Additions. The Making of ‘À la recherche du temps perdu’, 2 vols. (Cambridge University Press, 1977).

Letture di Proust

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Foschini, L., Proust’s Overcoat, trans. by Eric Karpeles (New York: Ecco, 2010). Lambilliotte, J., ‘La bibliothèque de Marcel Proust: de la lecture à l’écriture’, Bulletin d’informations proustiennes, 30 (1999), 81–9.

Mauriac Dyer, N. and D. Ferrer, ‘Défense de Flaubert 1919–1922’, Bulletin d’informations proustiennes, 30 (1999), 29–48.

‘L’exemplaire annoté de La Chartreuse de Parme’, Bulletin d’informations proustiennes, 35 (2005), 9–17.

Picon, J., Passion Proust, l’album d’une vie (Textuel, 1999).

Decadenza e fin de siècle

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Aubert, N., ed., Proust and the Visual (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2013). Compagnon, A., Proust entre deux siècles (Seuil, 1989).

Hohl, R., ‘Die Recherche und der Post-Impressionismus’, in Proustiana XXI (Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig: Insel, 2001), 67–84.

Proust, M., Écrits de jeunesse, 1887–1895 (Illiers-Combray: Institut Marcel Proust International, 1991).

Schmid, M., Proust dans la décadence (Champion, 2008).

Thompson, H., ‘Decadence’, in W. Burgwinkle, N. Hammond and E. Wilson, eds., The Cambridge History of French Literature (Cambridge University Press, 2011), pp. 541–8.

Weir, D., Decadence and the Making of Modernism (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1995).

Parigi e la avant-garde

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Aubert, N., ed., Proust and the Visual (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2013).

Azérad, H., ‘Parisian Literary Fields: James Joyce and Pierre Reverdy’s Theory of the Image’, Modern Language Review, 103 (2008), 665–81.

Bauman, Z., Modernity and Ambivalence (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991).

Bobillot, J.-P., ‘Proust et la poésie de son temps: ironies, résonances, incompatibilités’, Bulletin d’informations proustiennes, 41 (2011), 35–54.

Bürger, P., Theory of the Avant-Garde, trans. by Michael Shaw (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984).

Calinescu, M., Faces of Modernity (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1977).

Cottington, D., Cubism and Its Histories (Manchester University Press, 2004).

Danius, S., The Senses of Modernism: Technology, Perception, and Aesthetics (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2002).

Fauchereau, S., Hommes et mouvements du XXe siècle (Éditions Cercle d’Art, 2005).

Fraisse, L., ‘Il y a plusieurs manières d’être avant-garde: Proust et le cubisme’, in Pascal Dethurens, ed., Peinture et Littérature au XXème siècle (Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2007), pp. 173–87.

Jenny, L., La Fin de l’intériorité (Presses universitaires de France, 2002).

Keller, L., ‘Proust au-delà de l’impressionnisme’, in Sophie Bertho, ed., Proust et ses peintres (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000), pp. 57–70.

Kern, S., The Modernist Novel (Cambridge University Press, 2011).

Lewis, P., The Cambridge Introduction to Modernism (Cambridge University Press, 2007).

Poggi, C., Inventing Futurism (Princeton University Press, 2009).

Rabaté, J.-M., 1913: The Cradle of Modernism (Oxford: Blackwell, 2007).

Savy, N., ‘Jeune roman, jeune peinture’, in J.-Y. Tadié, ed., Marcel Proust: l’écriture et les arts. (Réunion des musées nationaux, 1999), pp. 55–65.

Schuerewegen, F., ‘Proust est-il dadaïste? (à propos d’un mystère non encore élucidé de l’histoire littéraire)’, Marcel Proust Aujourd’hui, 5 (2007), 137–160.

Sheppard, R., Modernism, Dada, Post-Modernism (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2000).

La tradizione romanzesca

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Bouillaguet, A., Proust lecteur de Balzac et de Flaubert: l’imitation cryptée (Champion, 2000).

Compagnon, A., Proust entre deux siècles (Seuil, 1989); trans. by R. E. Goodkin, Proust between Two Centuries (New York: Columbia University Press, 1992).

—— ed., Proust, la mémoire et la littérature (Odile Jacob, 2009).

Fraisse, L., La Petite Musique du style: Proust et ses sources littéraires (Garnier, 2011).

Tadié, J.-Y., Proust et le roman (Gallimard, 1971; reprinted 1986).

Beckett, S., Proust and Three Dialogues with Georges Duthuit (London: John Calder, 1965).

Carbone, M. e E. Sparvoli, eds., Proust et la philosophie aujourd’hui (Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2008).

Danius, S., ‘The Aesthetics of the Windshield: Proust and the Modernist Rhetoric of Speed’, Modernism/Modernity, 8 (2001), 100–26.

Descombes, V., Proust: philosophie du roman (Minuit, 1987); trans. by C. Chance Macksey, Proust: Philosophy of the Novel (Stanford University Press, 1992).

Landy, J., Philosophy as Fiction: Self, Deception and Knowledge in Proust (Oxford University Press, 2004).

Large, D., Nietzsche and Proust: A Comparative Study (Oxford University Press, 2001).

Henry, A., Marcel Proust, théories pour une esthétique (Klincksieck, 1981).

—— ‘Proust du côté de Schopenhauer’, in A. Henry, ed., Schopenhauer et la création littéraire en Europe (Klincksieck, 1989), pp. 149–64.

Aubert, N., ed., Proust and the Visual (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2013).

Butor, M., Les OEuvres d’art imaginaires chez Proust (University of London, Athlone Press, 1964).

Karpeles, E., Paintings in Proust: A Visual Companion to ‘In Search of Lost Time’ (London: Thames & Hudson, 2008).

Marcel Proust: L’Écriture et les arts. Exhibition catalogue, dir. Jean-Yves Tadié (Gallimard/Bibliothèque nationale de France/Réunion des musées nationaux, 1999).

Monnin-Hornung, J., Proust et la peinture (Geneva: Librairie Droz, 1951).

Townsend, G., Proust’s Imaginary Museum: Reproduction and Reproductions in ‘À la recherche du temps perdu’ (Oxford, Bern: Peter Lang, 2008).

Wakefield, D. F., ‘Proust and the Visual Arts’, The Burlington Magazine, vol. cxii, 806 (1970), 291–6.

Yoshikawa, K., Proust et l’art pictural (Champion, 2010).

Benoist-Méchin, J., Retour à Marcel Proust (Pierre Amiot, 1957).

Carbone, M., ‘Composing Vinteuil: Proust’s unheard music’, RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics, 48 (2005), 163–5.

An Unprecedented Deformation: Marcel Proust and the Sensible Ideas (New York: State University of New York Press, 2010).

Costil, P., ‘La construction musicale de la Recherche du temps perdu’, Bulletin des Amis de Marcel Proust et des Amis de Combray, 8 (1958), 469–89; and 9 (1959), 83–110.

Coueroy, A., ‘Music in the Work of Marcel Proust’, The Musical Quarterly, 12 (1926), 132–51.

Matoré, G., and I. Mecz, Musique et structure romanesque dans la ‘Recherche du temps perdu’ (Klincksieck, 1972).

Milly, J., La Phrase de Proust – des phrases de Bergotte aux phrases de Vinteuil (Larousse, 1975).

Nattiez, J.-J., Proust musicien (Christian Bourgois, 1984); trans. by D. Puffett, Proust as Musician (Cambridge University Press, 1989).

Newark, C., Opera in the Novel from Balzac to Proust (Cambridge University Press, 2011).

Pauset, E.-N., Marcel Proust etGustavMahler: créateurs parallèles (L’Harmattan, 2007). Piroué, G., Proust et la musique du devenir (Denoël, 1960).

Shattuck, R., ‘Making Time: A Study of Stravinsky, Proust and Sartre’, The Kenyon Review 25 (1963), 248–63.

Yoshikawa, K., ‘Vinteuil ou la genèse du Septuor’, Cahiers Marcel Proust 9. Études proustiennes iii (Gallimard, 1979), 289–347.

Teatro e Danza

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Bolens, G., Le Style des gestes: corporéité et kinésie dans le récit littéraire (Lausanne: Éditions BHMS, 2008).

Hanna, J. L., Dance, Sex and Gender: Signs of Identity, Dominance, Defiance, and Desire (University of Chicago Press, 1988).

Hemmings, F. W. J., The Theatre Industry in Nineteenth-Century France (Cambridge University Press, 2006).

Magill, M. M., ‘Pas de pas de deux pour Proust: l’absence de la danse dans À la recherche du temps perdu’, Dalhousie French Studies, 53 (2000), 49–55.

Pritchard, J., ed., Diaghilev and the Golden Age of the Ballets Russes 1909–1929 (London: V&A Publishing, 2010).

Schaller, P., ‘Theatre in Proust – the Fourth Art’, in ‘Proust et le théâtre’, Marcel Proust aujourd’hui, 4 (2006), 51–70.

Townsend, J., The Choreography of Modernism in France: La Danseuse, 1830–1930 (Oxford: Legenda, 2008).

Freud e psicoanalisi

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Baudry, J.-L., Freud, Proust et l’autre (Éditions de minuit, 1984).

Bizub, E., Proust et le moi divisé: ‘La Recherche’, creuset de la psychologie expérimentale (1874–1914) (Geneva: Droz, 2006).

Bowie, M., Freud, Proust and Lacan: Theory as Fiction (Cambridge University Press, 1987).

Deschamps, N., ‘Critique psychanalytique’, in A. Bouillaguet and B. G. Rogers, eds., Dictionnaire Marcel Proust (Champion, 2004), pp. 268–71.

Fernandez, D., L’Arbre jusqu’aux racines, psychanalyse et création (Grasset, 1992).

Haustein, K., ‘Proust’s Emotional Cavities: Vision and Affect in À la recherche du temps perdu’, French Studies, 63 (2009), 161–73.

Landy, J., ‘Proust among the Psychologists’, Philosophy and Literature, 35 (2011), 375–87.

Mijolla, A. de, Freud et la France 1885–1945 (Presses universitaires de France, 2010). Panzac, D., Le Docteur Adrien Proust: père méconnu, précurseur oublié (L’Harmattan, 2003).

Roudinesco, É., ‘Freud et Proust: un parallèle impressionniste’,þ Freud-et-Proust-paralleleþ, 12 June 2012.

Tadié, J.-Y., Le Lac inconnu: entre Proust et Freud (Gallimard, 2012).

Eells, E., Proust’s Cup of Tea: Homoeroticism and Victorian Culture (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002).

Ladenson, E., Proust’s Lesbianism (Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, 1999).

Laqueur, T., Solitary Sex: A Cultural History of Masturbation (New York: Zone Books, 2003).

Lejeune, P., ‘Écriture et sexualité’, Europe, 49 (1971), 113–43.

Lucey, M., Never Say I: Sexuality and the First Person in Colette, Gide, and Proust (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006).

Sedgwick, E. K., Epistemology of the Closet (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990).

Salute e medicina

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Béhar, S., L’Univers médical de Proust (Gallimard, 1970).

Bragg, L. and W. Sayers, ‘Proust’s Prescription: Sickness as the Pre-Condition for Writing’, Literature and Medicine, 19.2 (2000), 165–81.

Finn, M. R., Proust, the Body and Literary Form (Cambridge University Press, 1999/2006).

Fladenmüller, F., ‘Le Nerveux Narrateur dans À la recherche du temps perdu’, Bulletin d’informations proustiennes, 17 (1986), 35–42.

Holdinet, R. S. G., ‘Proust et la médecine’, Marcel Proust aujourd’hui, 5 (2007), 217–35.

Miguet, M., ‘La neurasthénie entre science et fiction’, Bulletin Marcel Proust, 40 (1990), 28–42.

Soupault, R., Marcel Proust du côté de la médecine (Gallimard, 1967).

Strauss, B., The Maladies of Proust: Doctors and Disease in his Life and Work (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1980).

Yoshida, J., ‘Proust et la maladie nerveuse’, La Revue des lettres modernes: histoire des idées et des littératures, 1067–72 (1992), 101–19.

Tecnologia e Scienza

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Bizub, E., Proust et le moi divisé: ‘La Recherche’, creuset de la psychologie expérimentale (1874–1914) (Geneva: Droz, 2006).

Danius, S., The Senses of Modernism: Technology, Perception, and Aesthetics (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2002).

Finn,M. R., Proust, the Body and Literary Form (Cambridge University Press, 1999).

Kern, S., The Culture of Time and Space: 1880–1918 (Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 2003 [1983]).

Luckhurst, N., Science and Structure in Proust’s ‘À la recherche du temps perdu’ (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000).

Scribner, C., Jr, ‘Scientific Imagery in Proust’, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 134 (1990), 243–308.

Shattuck, R., Proust’s Binoculars (London: Chatto & Windus, 1964).

Thiher, A., Fiction Refracts Science: Modernist Writers from Proust to Borges (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2005).

Fiction Rivals Science: The French Novel from Balzac to Proust (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2001).

Vannucci, F., Marcel Proust à la recherche des sciences (Monaco: Rocher, 2005).

Autret, J., L’Influence de Ruskin sur la vie, les idées et l’oeuvre de Marcel Proust (Geneva: Droz, 1955).

Bales, R., Proust and the Middle Ages (Geneva: Droz, 1975).

Diamant, N., ‘Judaism, Homosexuality and Other Sign Systems in À la recherche du temps perdu’, Romanic Review, 82 (1989), 179–92.

Fraisse, L., L’OEuvre cathédrale: Proust et l’architecture médiévale (Corti, 1990).

Hassine, J., ‘L’écriture des allégories de l’Église et de la Synagogue dans l’oeuvre de Marcel Proust’, Bulletin d’informations proustiennes, 39 (2009), 135–54.

—— Ésotérisme et écriture dans l’oeuvre de Proust (Minard, 1990).

—— Marranisme et hébraïsme dans l’oeuvre de Proust (Minard, 1994).

Hughes, E. J., Marcel Proust: A Study in the Quality of Awareness (Cambridge University Press, 1983).

Mingelgrün, A., Thèmes et structures bibliques dans l’oeuvre de Marcel Proust: étude stylistique de quelques interférences (Lausanne: L’Âge d’homme, 1978).

Recanati, J., Profils juifs de Marcel Proust (Buchet/Chastel, 1979).

Rivers, J. E., Proust and the Art of Love: The Aesthetics of Sexuality in the Life, Time and Arts of Marcel Proust (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981).

Walker, S. F., ‘The Name of the Madeleine: Signs and Symbols of the Mass in Proust’s In Search of Lost Time’, Religion and the Arts, 7.4 (2003), 389–411.

Zenou, G., ‘Proust et la judéité’, Europe: Revue Littéraire Mensuelle, 705–6 (1988), 157–64.

Alcorn, C., ‘Cars, Trains, Planes and Proust’, Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 14.1–2 (1985–6), 153–61.

Bales, R., ‘The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Narrator: The Inscription of Travel in Proust and W. G. Sebald’, in J. Conroy, ed., Cross-Cultural Travel: Papers from the Royal Irish Academy Symposium on Literature and Travel (New York: Peter Lang, 2003), pp. 507–12.

Bray, P. M., Novel Selves: Mapping the Subject in Stendhal, Nerval and Proust (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005).

Brendon, P., Thomas Cook: 150 Years of Popular Tourism (London: Martin Secker & Warburg, 1992).

Collier, P., Proust and Venice (Cambridge University Press, 1989).

Cornette, J., ‘The Recherche as “tout-monde”: Toward a Francophone Proust’, Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 9.1 (2005), 87–95.

Hunter, F. R., ‘Tourism and Empire: The Thomas Cook & Son Enterprise on the Nile, 1868–1914’, Middle Eastern Studies, 40.5 (2004), 28–54.

Jordan, J., ‘Proust’sNarrator: Travels in the Space–Time Continuum’, inN.Harkness and M. Schmid, eds., Au seuil de la modernité: Proust, Literature and the Arts. Essays in Memory of Richard Bales (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2011), pp. 151–64.

Megay, J., ‘Le thème du voyage dans l’oeuvre de Marcel Proust’, in F. C. Amelinckx and J. N. Megay, eds., Travel, Quest, and Pilgrimage as a Literary Theme: Studies in Honor of Reino Virtanen (Lincoln, NE: Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies, 1978), pp. 221–30.

Siegel, J., Haunted Museum: Longing, Travel and the Art–Romance Tradition (Princeton University Press, 2005).

Urbain, J.-D., ‘Les catanautes des cryptocombes: des iconoclastes de l’Ailleurs’, Nottingham French Studies, ‘Errances urbaines’ special issue, ed. Jean-Xavier Ridon, 39.1 (2000), 7–16.

‘“I travel therefore I am”: the “Nomad Mind” and the Spirit of Travel’, trans. by C. Forsdick, Studies in Travel Writing, 4 (2000), 141–64.

Assouline, P., ed., Autour de ‘La Recherche’: Lettres (Éditions Complexe, 1988).

Albert, P., Histoire de la presse (Presses universitaires de France, 1970).

Blandin, C., Le Figaro: deux siècles d’histoire (Armand Colin, 2007).

Cano, C., ‘Gide, Proust, and the Nouvelle Revue française’, Romance Quarterly, 50 (2003), 33–42.

‘Proust and the Wartime Press’, in A. Watt, ed., ‘Le Temps retrouvé’ Eighty Years After/80 ans après: Critical Essays/Essais critiques (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2009), pp. 133–40.

Finn,M. R., Proust, the Body and Literary Form (Cambridge University Press, 1999).

Quint, P.-L., Marcel Proust: sa vie, son oeuvre (Éditions du Sagittaire, 1925).

Sandre, Y., ‘Proust chroniqueur’, Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France, special issue ‘Marcel Proust’, 71 (1971), 771–90.

Whitington, T., The Syllables of Time: Proust and the History of Reading (Oxford: Legenda, 2009), ch. iii: ‘The French Press in À la recherche’, pp. 39–50.

Politica e Classe

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Bidou-Zachariasen, C., Proust sociologue: de la maison aristocratique au salon bourgeois (Descartes & Cie, 1997).

Bowie, M., Proust among the Stars (London: HarperCollins, 1998).

Chaudier, S., Proust et le langage religieux: la cathédrale profane (Honoré Champion, 2004).

Descombes, V., Proust: philosophie du roman (Minuit, 1987); trans. by C. Chance Macksey, Proust: Philosophy of the Novel (Stanford University Press, 1992).

Dubois, J., Pour Albertine: Proust et le sens du social (Seuil, 1997).

Grandsaigne, J. de, L’Espace combraysien: monde de l’enfance et structure sociale dans l’oeuvre de Proust (Minard, 1981).

Hughes, E. J., ‘Proust and Social Spaces’, in R. Bales, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Proust (Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp. 151–67.

Proust, Class, and Nation (Oxford University Press, 2011).

Revel, J.-F., Sur Proust (Grasset, 1987 (1960)).

Schmid, M., ‘Ideology and Discourse in Proust: The Making of “Monsieur de Charlus pendant la guerre”’, Modern Language Review, 94/4 (1999), 961–77.

Sprinker, M., History and Ideology in Proust: ‘À la recherche du temps perdu’ and the Third French Republic (Cambridge University Press, 1994).

Tadié, J.-Y., Marcel Proust: Biographie (Gallimard, NRF Biographies, 1996).

L'Affare Dreyfus

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Chêne, J., E. Aberdam and D. Aberdam, eds., Comment devient-on dreyfusard? (L’Harmattan, 1997).

Harris, R., Dreyfus: Politics, Emotion, and the Scandal of the Century (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2010).

Hassine, J., Marranisme et Hébraïsme dans l’oeuvre de Proust (Minard, 1994).

Murakami, Y., ‘L’Affaire Dreyfus dans l’oeuvre de Proust’ (doctoral thesis, Université de Paris–Sorbonne, 2012).

Schmid, M., ‘The Jewish Question in À la recherche du temps perdu in the Light of Discourses of Race’, Neophilologus, 83 (1999), 33–49.

Sprinker, M., History and Ideology in Proust: ‘À la recherche du temps perdu’ and the Third French Republic (Cambridge University Press, 1994).

Tadié, J.-Y., Marcel Proust: Biographie (Gallimard, NRF Biographies, 1996).

Wilson, S., Ideology and Experience: Antisemitism in France at the Time of the Dreyfus Affair (East Brunswick, NJ: Associated University Presses, 1982).

Prima Guerra Mondiale

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Cano, C. M., ‘Proust and the Wartime Press’, in A. Watt, ed., ‘Le Temps retrouvé’ Eighty Years After/80 ans après: Critical Essays/Essais critiques (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2009), pp. 133–40.

Compagnon, A., ‘La Recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust,’ in P. Nora, ed., Les Lieux de mémoire [1984–92], ‘Quarto’ edition, 3 vols., iii ‘Les France’ (Gallimard, 1997), pp. 3835–69.

Dubois, J., ‘Proust et le temps des embusqués,’ in P. Schoentjes, ed., La Grande Guerre: un siècle de fiction romanesque (Geneva: Droz, 2008), pp. 205–25.

Hughes, E. J., ‘Cataclysm at One Remove,’ in E. Dezon-Jones, ed., Approaches to Teaching Proust’s Fiction and Criticism (New York: MLA, 2003), pp. 38–43.

Proust, Class, and Nation (Oxford University Press, 2011).

Ifri, P., ‘La première guerre mondiale dans la Recherche et la correspondance: un parallèle’, Bulletin Marcel Proust, 62 (2012), 19–30.

Rieuneau, M., ‘La guerre dans Le Temps retrouvé ’, in Guerre et révolutions dans le roman français de 1919 à 1939 (Klincksieck, 1974), pp. 112–33.

Schmid, M., ‘Ideology and Discourse in Proust: The Making of “Monsieur de Charlus pendant la guerre”’, Modern Language Review, 94/4 (1999), 961–77.

Sprinker, M., History and Ideology in Proust: ‘À la recherche du temps perdu’ and the Third French Republic (Cambridge University Press, 1994).

Accoglienza critica nel periodo di Proust

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Ahlstedt, E., La Pudeur en crise: un aspect de l’accueil d’ ‘À la recherche du temps perdu’ de Marcel Proust (1913–1930) (Touzot, 1985).

Alden, D., Marcel Proust and His French Critics (New York: Russell & Russell, 1940).

Cano, C. M., Proust’s Deadline (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2006).

Fravalo-Tane, P., ‘À la recherche du temps perdu’ en France et en Allemagne (1913– 1958): ‘Dans une sorte de langue étrangère. . .’ (Champion, 2008).

Hodson, L., ed., Marcel Proust: The Critical Heritage (London: Routledge, 1989).

Naturel, M., ed., La Réception de Proust à l’étranger (Illiers-Combray: Institut Marcel Proust International, 2001).

Tadié, J.-Y., Lectures de Proust (Armand Colin, 1971).

Prime reazioni critiche, dal 1922 al 1950

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Alden, D., Marcel Proust and His French Critics (New York: Russell & Russell, 1940).

Benjamin, W., ‘The Image of Proust’, in Illuminations, trans. by H. Zohn, ed. by H. Arendt (London: Pimlico, 1999 [1970]), pp. 197–210.

Blanchot, M., Le livre à venir (Gallimard, 1959); The Book to Come, trans. by C. Mandell (Stanford University Press, 2002).

Dezon-Jones, E., ‘La réception d’À la recherche du temps perdu aux États-Unis’, in W. C. Carter, ed., The UAB Marcel Proust Symposium: In Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of ‘Swann’s Way’: 1913–1988, (Birmingham, AL: Summa Publications, 1989), pp. 31–48.

Fravalo-Tane, P., ‘À la recherche du temps perdu’ en France et en Allemagne (1913– 1958): ‘Dans une sorte de langue étrangère. . .’ (Champion, 2008).

Hommage à Marcel Proust, 1871–1922, Nouvelle Revue française (1923).

Maurois, A., À la recherche de Marcel Proust (Paris, 1949); The Quest for Proust, trans. by G. Hopkins (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962).

Rivière, J., Quelques progrès dans l’étude du coeur humain, Études proustiennes, Cahiers Marcel Proust, n.s. 13 (Gallimard, 1985 [1927]).

Rousset, J., Forme et signification: essai sur les structures littéraires de Corneille à Claudel ( José Corti, 1963).

Scott Moncrieff, C. K., ed., Marcel Proust: An English Tribute (London: Chatto & Windus, 1923).

Spitzer, L., ‘Le style de Marcel Proust’, in Études de style (NRF, 1970 [first German publication 1928]).

Teroni, S., ‘Nous voilà délivrés de Proust’, in J. Brami, ed., Marcel Proust 8: lecteurs de Proust au XXe siècle et au début du XXIe (Caen: Lettres modernes Minard, 2010).

Wilson, E., ‘Marcel Proust’, in Axel’s Castle: A Study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870–1930 (London: Collins Fontana, 1979 [1931]), pp. 111–54.

Vedute della metà del XX secolo, dagli anni '60 agli anni '80

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Bersani, L., Marcel Proust: The Fictions of Life and of Art (Oxford University Press, 1965).

Blanchot, M., ‘L’expérience de Proust’, in Le livre à venir (Gallimard, 1959), pp. 19–37; ‘The Experience of Proust’, in The Book to Come, trans. by C. Mandell (Stanford University Press, 2002), pp. 19–37.

Bowie, M., ‘Barthes on Proust’, The Yale Journal of Criticism, 14/2 (2001), 513–18.

Deleuze, G., Proust et les signes (Presses universitaires de France, 1964; fourth edn, rev. 1970); Proust and Signs, trans. by R. Howard (London: The Athlone Press, 2000).

‘Proust Round Table’, in Two Regimes of Madness: Texts and Interviews 1975– 1995, trans. by A. Hodges and M. Taormina (New York and Los Angeles: Semiotext(e), 2007), pp. 29–60.

Man, P. de, Blindness and Insight: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Criticism, 2nd edn (London: Routledge, 1983).

Dosse, F., History of Structuralism: The Rising Sign, 1945–1966, trans. by D. Glassman (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997).

Genette, G., ‘Discours du récit’, in Figures III (Seuil, 1972), pp. 65–282; Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method, trans. by J. E. Lewin (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1980).

Kristeva, J., Le Temps sensible: Proust et l’expérience littéraire (Gallimard ‘Folio Essais’, 2000 [1994]); Time and Sense: Proust and the Experience of Literature, trans. by R. Guberman (New York: Columbia University Press, 1996).

Poulet, G., L’Espace proustien (Gallimard, 1963); Proustian Space, trans. by E. Coleman (Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977).

‘Proust’, in Études sur le temps humain (Plon, 1952), pp. 400–38.

Richard, J.-P., Proust et le monde sensible (Seuil, 1974).

Reazioni di fine ventesimo e inizi ventunesimo secolo

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Benhaïm, A., ed., The Strange M. Proust (Oxford: Legenda, 2009).

Beugnet, M., e M. Schmid, Proust at the Movies (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004).

Brun, B., M. Oguro e K. Yoshikawa, curr., Marcel Proust 6: Proust sans frontières 1 (Caen: Lettres modernes Minard, 2007).

—— curr., Marcel Proust 7: Proust sans frontières 2 (Caen: Lettres modernes Minard, 2009).

Carter, W. C., Marcel Proust: A Life (New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press, 2000).

—— cur., The UAB Marcel Proust Symposium: In Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of ‘Swann’s Way’ (Birmingham, AL: Summa, 1989).

Caws, M. A., Marcel Proust (New York and London: Overlook Duckworth, 2003).

Chardin, P., cur., Originalités proustiennes (Éditions Kimé, 2010).

Cléder, J. e J.-P. Montier, curr., Proust et les images, peinture, photographie, cinéma, vidéo (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2003).

Compagnon, A., cur., Proust, la mémoire et la littérature (Odile Jacob, 2009).

Duval, S., L’Ironie proustienne: la vision stéréoscopique (Champion, 2004).

Ellison, D., A Reader’s Guide to Proust’s ‘In Search of Lost Time’ (Cambridge University Press, 2010).

Fraisse, L., L’Éclectisme philosophique de Marcel Proust (Presses université Paris–Sorbonne, 2013).

Gray, M., Postmodern Proust (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992).

Hägglund, Martin, Dying for Time: Proust, Woolf, Nabokov (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012).

Harkness, N. e M. Schmid, curr., Au seuil de la modernité: Proust, literature and the arts. Essays in Memory of Richard Bales (Oxford and Bern: Peter Lang, 2011).

Haustein, K., Regarding Lost Time: Photography, Identity and Affect in Proust, Benjamin and Barthes (Oxford: Legenda, 2012).

Karlin, D., Proust’s English (Oxford University Press, 2005).

Kotin, A. and K. Kolb, curr., Proust in Perspective: Visions and Revisions (Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2002).

Larkin, Á., Proust Writing Photography: Fixing the Fugitive in ‘À la recherche du temps perdu’ (Oxford: Legenda, 2011).

Lehrer, J., Proust Was a Neuroscientist (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2007).

Le Roux-Kieken, A. Imaginaire et écriture de la mort dans l’oeuvre de Marcel Proust (Champion, 2005).

Mauriac Dyer, N., K. Yoshikawa e P.-E. Robert, curr., Proust face à l’héritage du XIXe siècle: tradition et métamorphose (Presses Sorbonne-Nouvelle, 2012).

McDonald, C., The Proustian Fabric: Associations of Memory (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1991).

Rose, J., Proust among the Nations: From Dreyfus to the Middle East (University of Chicago Press, 2012).

Sedgwick, E. Kosofsky, The Weather in Proust (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2012).

Segal, N. and G. Rye, curr., ‘When familiar meanings dissolve. . .’: Essays in French Studies in Memory of Malcolm Bowie (Oxford, Bern: Peter Lang, 2011).

Simon, A., Proust ou le réel retrouvé (Presses universitaires de France, 2000; nuova ediz., Champion, 2010).

Watt, A., The Cambridge Introduction to Marcel Proust (Cambridge University Press, 2011).

—— ed., ‘Le Temps retrouvé’ Eighty Years After: Critical Essays/Essais critiques (Oxford, Bern: Peter Lang, 2009).

White, E., Proust (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1999).

Benjamin, W., ‘The Image of Proust’, in Illuminations, trad. H. Zohn, cur. H. Arendt (London: Pimlico, 1999 [1970]), pp. 197–210.

Chambers, R., Mélancolie et opposition: les débuts du modernisme en France (José Corti, 1987); The Writing of Melancholy: Modes of Opposition in Early French Modernism, trad. M. Seidman Trouille (University of Chicago Press, 1993).

Friedrich, H., Struktur der modernen Lyrik (Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956); The Structure of Modern Poetry from the Mid-Nineteenth to the Mid-Twentieth Century, trad J. Neugrsochel (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1974).

Gay, P., Modernism, The Lure of Heresy: From Baudelaire to Beckett and Beyond (New York: Norton, 2008).

Wilson, E., Axel’s Castle: A Study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870–1930 (London: Collins Fontana, 1979 [1931]).


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Barthes, R., Le Plaisir du texte (Seuil, 1973).

Benjamin, W., ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’, in Illuminations, trad. H. Zohn, cur. H. Arendt (Londra: Pimlico, 1999 [1970]), pp. 211–44.

Bourdieu, P., La Distinction: critique sociale du jugement (Minuit, 1979).

Certeau, M. de, L’Invention du quotidien: arts de faire, vol. i (Gallimard, 1980).

Houston, J. P., ‘Theme and Structure in À la recherche du temps perdu’, Kentucky Romance Quarterly, 17 (1970), 209–22.

Naturel, M., cur., La Réception de Proust à l’étranger (Illiers-Combray: Institut Marcel Proust International, 2002).

Aciman, A., ed., The Proust Project (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004).

Johnson, P. Hansford, Six Proust Reconstructions (London: Macmillan, 1958).

Kilmartin, T., ‘Translating Proust’, Grand Street, 1:1 (1981), 134–46.

Prendergast, C., Mirages and Mad Beliefs: Proust the Skeptic (Princeton University Press, 2013).


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