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La Conoscenza del Che/Bibliografia

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Che Guevara nel suo ufficio al Ministero dell'Industria, Havana (Cuba, 1963)
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Does Che survive only as a t-shirt icon? The big media and many Che biographers have stressed the kitchification of Che, the former with glee, the latter with regret. Has the once fearsome revolutionary been reduced to a harmless icon? The corporate world adept at co-optation would have us think so. Rather, I would say that the "real" Che has not died, but undergone a tactical shift.

– David Kunzle, autore di Che Guevara: Icon, Myth, and Message

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"In cyberspace there are hundreds of Che Web pages in every language from Italian to Norwegian."

Che Chic di Brook Larmer, Newsweek,
21 luglio 1997

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"Che's appeal is emotional. His death in Bolivia as a relatively young man created Che as secular Christ, the man who took upon himself the sins of the world and gave his life for the cause of the oppressed. His memory remains available to the oppressed; his image continues to inspire the hope of change and the virtue of rebellion, enhanced rather than diminished by his defeat. Christ, too, was defeated on earth and, again like Christ, Che's death conveys a promise of redemption through inspiration."

– "Still a Messiah?" di Isabel Hilton,
New Statesman, 4 ottobre 2007

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Il rullino completo di Alberto Korda scattato durante il servizio commemorativo di La Coubre del 5 marzo 1960 a L'Havana, Cuba. Il rullino contiene immagini di Fidel Castro, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir e la famosa immagine di Che Guevara intitolata Guerrillero Heroico